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International institutions remain financially important for The Hague

Research shows that international institutions are important to The Hague’s local economy and to the Hague’s international profile as a city of peace and justice. In 2022, international organizations spent about €2.7 billion on The Hague and the region. This will create about 20,000 direct jobs and about 16,000 indirect jobs. In addition, due to the war in Ukraine, the Hague has received special attention as a city of peace and justice where international organizations work closely together, collaborate and innovate. The International Center for the Prosecution of War Crimes Against Ukraine (ICPA), which opened on 3 July 2023, is one such example.

With 20,000 direct jobs, a 64% increase compared to 2004, the international non-profit sector accounts for around 8% of total employment in The Hague. The number of organizations increased slightly from 480 to 491 organizations. Most international organizations expect positive growth. In addition to direct expenditures of €2.7 billion, indirect economic activity in the sector has secured further expenditures of €2.9 billion. This brings the total expenditure to EUR 5.6 billion. These are expenditures resulting from the presence of international organizations in The Hague, without which these expenditures would not have taken place.

International organizations still play an important role, but the survey points to a slight decline in the number of indirect jobs. However, this decrease is likely to be temporary. This decline was partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic (a temporary decline in the number of physical meetings and conferences), as well as the current tight labor market.

Marielle Bavier, Alderman (International): This survey once again shows that we can be proud of the cosmopolitan character of our city. It shows that many years of investment in this field are paying off with the presence of 491 international institutions in The Hague. The international non-profit sector forms a strong foundation for the Hague economy and provides employment for both the international community and the Hague residents. By 2023, 20,000 people will work together for a peaceful, safe and just world.

peace and justice

Partly because of the Ukrainian War, The Hague is attracting the world’s attention as an international city of peace and justice. Gemente is committed to attracting and retaining international institutions committed to peace and justice. Organizations that make a real contribution to the social values ​​that The Hague stands for as a city. Precisely in this time of global crisis, it is extremely important that we, as an international community, continue our efforts to keep talking about peace and justice.

Monitoring against the backdrop of the economic impact of the international sector

For the seventh time since 2005, research institute Decisio has surveyed the economic contribution of the international non-profit sector in The Hague and the region in 2022. This sector comprises intergovernmental organizations, European institutions, NGOs, embassies and consulates, international cultural institutions and international organizations. Knowledge institutes, international schools, expatriate and service clubs. As this survey is his seventh, the results can be compared with previous reports, creating a reliable picture of the economic impact of the sector.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/07/13/international-organizations-remain-financially-important-for-the-hague International institutions remain financially important for The Hague

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