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Keukenhof gardeners kick off 75th planting season

Last week, gardeners at Keukenhof planted the first flower bulbs, marking the beginning of preparations for Keukenhof’s 75th anniversary in 2024. Over the next three months, a staggering 7 million flower bulbs will be planted, one by one, by hand. The flower exhibition will open its gates to the public on March 21, 2024.

Keukenhof 75 years
This 75th anniversary is no small feat and Keukenhof is grateful and proud of everyone who has contributed to its development. It all started in 1949 as an initiative by ten flower bulb growers who wanted to showcase the flower bulb trade. Keukenhof opened its doors for the first time in 1950 and since then has become a global phenomenon. Our exhibitors consist of one hundred flower bulb growers, displaying their top of the line assortment to the world.

One of the original flower bulb growers was present during today’s planting event: “My great-grandfather and his brother were among the initiators of the establishment of Keukenhof. My own grandfather even planted the very first flower bulbs! I am the 5th generation of the company and find it remarkable that today, like my grandfather, I planted the first flower bulbs together with the new managing director of Keukenhof, Sandra Bechtholt,” said Lisa Lefeber of J.W.A Lefeber.

Plant your flower bulbs!
For those who wish to create a colorful garden or balcony in spring, now is the time to buy your flower bulbs and plant them before mid-December. This can be done by colour or type, but a beautiful mix will naturally look stunning in spring.

Keukenhof will be open in 2024 from March 21 to May 12. Tickets will be available from mid-October via www.keukenhof.nl.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/10/09/keukenhof-gardeners-kick-off-75th-planting-season Keukenhof gardeners kick off 75th planting season

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