
March 8 protests in Leeuwarden – Northern Times

On Wednesday March 8, a group of around 30 protesters marched through the streets of Leeuwarden to raise awareness and demand change. Some of them wondered if the manifestation would change anything, but still wanted to participate.

“I’m protesting mainly for those who can’t go there,” says Amelia, one of the participants. “The situation in Groningen shows that discrimination and harassment still occur,” she added, referring to the case of Susanne Tauber, an assistant professor and social safety advocate, who said she She was officially fired on International Women’s Day because the relationship was damaged.” ”. #AmINext, a slogan used to show solidarity with the Tauber case, also appeared on some banners.

One of the speakers, Evy, himself a student at Leeuwarden’s RUG Faculty Campus Fryslán, also covered the topic. “Can you imagine a university not keeping its staff and students safe? Can you imagine a university firing professors who are committed to inclusion? This is the reality of my university.”

Others also highlighted the issue of sexual harassment in Friesland. Catch-calling, physical abuse, unwanted physical contact, and failure to respect consent were all mentioned multiple times. More than half of the participants raised their hands when asked if they had been harassed on the streets or pursued in Leeuwarden. We share our anger, our grief, and our determination to continue fighting for the rights of FLINTA (Women, Lesbians, Intersex, Transgender, Agenda).

The protest ended with a short performance by a group of female dancers from The Factory Dance Studio, dressed in black and covering their hands with red paint, to draw attention to the issue of feminism. Hate crimes that kill women for their sex. Depending on the circumstances, the reasons may include threats, revenge, or instances of domestic violence.

In addition to marching and chanting, this manifestation used chalk to write slogans and messages on the pavement. more. “In this way, we can also attract the attention of those who did not participate in the protest,” said Julia Struzik, one of the organizers. March 8 protests in Leeuwarden – Northern Times

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