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Matthijs van Nieuwkerk cuts ties with public broadcaster

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk on air in 2018. Photo: DWDD via Wikimedia Commons

TV presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk retires from public broadcaster BNNVARA. weekend revelation Volkskrant newspaper on behind-the-scenes bullying on TV chat shows De Wereld Draait door.

BNNVARA released a statement on Friday saying it had “in-depth conversations” with Van Nieuwkerk and was disappointed by the moderator’s two written statements in response to the newspaper’s allegations.

“The fact that my employer openly doubts my integrity makes it impossible to work with me anymore,” Van Nieuwkerk told news agency ANP on Monday.

The presenter was the face of the award-winning show DWDD and several other programs from its inception in 2005 to its final show in 2020. The recording of the popular Year End Top 2000 Quiz has been cancelled.

Van Nieuwkerk said he has withdrawn from public life to understand what happened and hopes to return one day.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/matthijs-van-nieuwkerk-breaks-ties-with-public-broadcaster/ Matthijs van Nieuwkerk cuts ties with public broadcaster

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