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More than 1,000 threats against politicians so far this year

Photo: Depositphotos.com

More than 1,000 reports of members of parliament and ministers being threatened have been submitted to special police teams. first nine months of the year The full year total could double the 588 reports produced throughout 2021.

Team leader Ruud Grundmann said reports had increased since the coronavirus epidemic began. ‘“At the end of the day, it’s about protecting democracy and protecting those who stand for it.”

Threats, both online and physical, are changing in severity and intensity, said Gründmann. “Politicians and ministers are being harassed and yelled at,” he said. “They don’t always make formal complaints, but that was symbolic of the time.”

The previous peak was in 2018 with 620 complaints. Most of them were created by far-right leader Geert Wilders, who faced a series of threats from outside the EU.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/10/threats-against-politicians-top-1000-so-far-this-year/ More than 1,000 threats against politicians so far this year

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