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Mother finds drunk naked stranger in daughter’s crib

Rheinmond reports that a strange incident occurred in Arkel, when a woman called the police about a drunken and naked stranger lying in her daughter’s crib.

When police arrived at the woman’s home in Arker, they found an 18-year-old man lying half-naked in his crib, wearing only his underwear. Officers wrote in an Instagram post that the boy was under the influence of alcohol and that he was completely disoriented. However, according to police reports, there was no female daughter in the bed where the young man crawled into at the time.

Police said the young man had no guilt about the incident. Apparently, the drunken 18-year-old was primarily concerned with his mobile phone. The police took the confused young man home in a patrol car. So they handed him over to his father. Police officers posted on Instagram about his father’s reaction, saying, “Considering his reaction to us and the words he said, we weren’t very impressed.”

However, Reinmond said the home’s residents had not filed a complaint against the man.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/17/mother-finds-drunk-naked-stranger-daughters-crib Mother finds drunk naked stranger in daughter’s crib

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