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Multiple Misconduct Reports by Senator Bruin

Several reports have been made about the misconduct of Mr. Jan Anthony Bruen, President of the Dutch Senate Eerste Kamel. A Senate spokesman confirmed that some employees said they felt “abused.” When contacted after the NOS first reported his Bruijn behavior, a spokesperson declined to comment further on the nature of the allegations.

According to the NOS, leader Erste Kamel was accused of regularly and routinely reprimanding people. Senate officials criticized Mr Bryzin’s style as “authoritarian” and “disgusting.” By contrast, Mr. Bruin is well-behaved around other senators.

Mr. Bruin was contacted by the highest-ranking member of the Senate, Clerk Erste Kammel. The station said Bruyn was shocked by the allegations and promised to improve.

The news is particularly relevant because Bryzin said earlier this year that he wanted to continue as Senate leader. A new set of senators took their oaths on Tuesday following the recent state legislative elections. Bryzin will serve as acting president of the Senate for the time being.

A spokesman for Bruyn’s political party, the VVD, could not be reached for comment.

Not long ago, Education Minister Dennis Wielsma, who is also a VVD member, got into trouble for misconduct against other civil servants. Chancellor Mark Rutte, who is also the leader of the VVD, has admitted on several occasions that he can be very irritable at times.

“But once it does, it’s important to say sorry right away,” he told Bo reporter Jair Felwerda last year.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/14/multiple-reports-misconduct-senate-president-bruijn Multiple Misconduct Reports by Senator Bruin

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