MY Orange Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) Working Group Launched | News Article

News Article | Apr 25, 2023 | 07:24

on the 18thth In April 2023, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Malaysia and the Malaysian Dutch Business Council (MDBC) launched the MY Orange Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) working group. The working group aims to create a collaborative learning environment where companies can exchange best practices and share common RBC and due diligence challenges.

A large number of companies attended the RBC event held for the launch of the working group and the MDBC recertification ceremony by NLinBusiness. Ambassador Jack Werner opened the event by emphasizing the importance of responsible business practices and knowledge sharing as well as challenges to ensure continuous improvement in the value chain of companies.

In order to inform the participating companies of the expectations and policies set by the Dutch Government regarding RBC, Ms. Eva Oskamm, Deputy Minister and Head of Economic Affairs of the Embassy of the Netherlands, made a valuable presentation and also highlighted the current status of the EU legislative proposals. . This was followed by a presentation by Jai Shankar, Head of Sustainability at MATRADE, highlighting his RBC support system in Malaysia and his ESG framework.

The practical aspects of RBC were presented by Henk Jan Jonge Poerink, Senior Vice President of Global Operations at BESI and Fadi Younis, Managing Director of HQ Pack. Both speakers provided more insight into real life examples of conducting due diligence and how companies have incorporated his RBC into corporate strategy.

The informative session ended with a panel discussion in which the audience discussed the long-term impact of RBC, the availability of resources provided by both the Dutch and Malaysian governments, practical advice for companies wishing to start RBC, etc. I asked the speaker of their due diligence.

This led to the most important part of the evening. It was the launch of the MY Orange Youth RBC Working Group by Marco Winter, Executive Director of MDBC and Eva Oskam of the Dutch Embassy. An initial group of pioneer companies has already expressed interest in becoming a member, and others are encouraged to do so as well.

Ed Offerhaus, Managing Director of NLinBusiness, praises the close relationship between the Dutch Embassy and MDBC in supporting due diligence activities in the Dutch-Malaysian business community and joining forces to promote RBC and closed the event. A signing ceremony was held to officially recertify MDBC as a business hub in the Netherlands.

Ambassador Jack Werner said:This working group provides an opportunity to share challenges and lessons learned on responsible business conduct. At the Embassy, ​​we believe this topic deserves great push from all of us and we are very happy to be working with MDBC and the Dutch-Malaysian business community.

The evening ended at Buka Puasa, where all guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner together to celebrate the launch of the MY Orange RBC Working Group and the reaccreditation of MDBC. It was a great opportunity for the community to connect with each other and start a conversation about how to embed responsible best practices into the enterprise value chain. All in all, we look back on a very successful event and are very excited to continue promoting and supporting RBC through future events and working group sessions.

For more information on responsible business conduct in Malaysia, please visit our website.

Webinars on Responsible Business Conduct: Responsible manufacturing webinar:

Are you a company operating in Malaysia looking to improve its Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) approach? Struggling to establish a proper due diligence strategy? Or should you share? Are there any best practices? If so, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Malaysia-Dutch Business Council invite you to share your challenges and success stories in our new article. MY Orange RBC Working Group!

This working group (WG) provides an open space to share knowledge on responsible best practices, potential supply chain risks and overall experience with sustainability measures.

Through interactive meetings, the WG provides a platform for joint learning through informative sessions on B2B knowledge exchange and expectations set by the Dutch government regarding responsible business practices. The aim is to provide information on possible Dutch and EU due diligence legislation and initiatives, as well as possible support by the Malaysian authorities, in order to promote sustainable cooperation between the Netherlands and Malaysia.

This WG is aimed at Dutch companies operating in Malaysia or Malaysian companies linked through trade, investment or supply chains with the Netherlands. Participating companies should actively participate by sharing their experience on sustainability and due diligence measures as well as knowledge on responsible business practices.

Register from the following link.

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