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Parliament votes 100 million euros for free school meals

Photo: Takeaway from Wikimedia Commons

School lunches are held in Holland. This is not being done as a happy memory of British schools, but as an emergency measure to help families in desperate need.

Concerned about the impact of poverty on the health of young people, the Dutch parliament voted Allocate €100 million for free school meals in vulnerable areas.

Proposals from D66 Liberal Democratic faction leader Jan Paternotte and Volt leader Lawrence Dassen seek to “enrich the school day” while boosting children’s health and equal opportunities. It’s purpose.

Increased needs

Some schools are already serving breakfast as a measure against child poverty. NRC – In areas such as Delfshafen, Rotterdam, it can be used by as many as half of the school population.

Hans Speckmann, director of Jeugdeducatiefons, an equal opportunity education charity that provides financial support to schools, told Dutch News there was a growing need.

“At the beginning of January, before inflation peaked, quarter children either didn’t eat breakfast or didn’t eat enough,” he said. “We can see that this is only increasing due to inflation. As more families are in need, more requests are coming from schools.

“It’s hard to quantify, but at school we know that many children have empty lunch boxes or haven’t even eaten a piece of bread in the morning. We want our children to have every chance to grow, and of course eating is essential.

three days hungry

A former Labor MP and leader, the organization provides support of up to €10,000 per school per year in areas where half the families earn more than 50%. social minimumWe support 445 of the approximately 7,000 primary schools in the Netherlands and have a waiting list.

Charities also support cultural activities and learning aids, but schools are forced to focus on the basic needs of children. For example, free lunch or breakfast club. Until the law was changed in the 1980s, traditionally Dutch children would go home for lunch.

Last week, an 11-year-old at De Catamaran primary school in Rotterdam felt dizzy during class. NRC.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/09/parliament-votes-for-e100-million-for-free-school-meals/ Parliament votes 100 million euros for free school meals

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