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Party of 4 for Dutch couple

A new smartphone app, Party of 4, helps expat couples in the Netherlands overcome a common problem of loneliness. With this app, you can easily find nearby couples who have the same interests and are in the same stage of life.

Click here for help for foreign couples living in the Netherlands!

party of four is a new smartphone app that solves the problem of making new friends that many foreign couples face. Whenever you move to a new country, it’s often difficult to make friends. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it even harder to connect with other couples. Social gatherings are restricted.

First Amsterdam… then other Dutch cities

The Party of 4 app was initially launched in Amsterdam (April 2021) with the goal of eventually rolling it out to all Dutch cities. Party of 4 is the first couples-only app to find other great couples in your area. Find couples who are close to you, who are in the same stage of life and who have similar interests. It’s for finding platonic friendships only, and it’s strictly enforced. Not an app for swapping!

Download the iOS version of the Partyof4 app at apple app Store or Android version google play shop

The vision behind Party of 4

Megan ValverdeFounder of Party of 4, is an expat American mother of three young children. She and her family moved to Amsterdam three years before her. Megan experienced firsthand the difficulty of making friends as a foreigner. She has apps for finding love, babysitters, and dating, but none prioritizes couple socializing.

When you are in a relationship it is great to know other couples where all four enjoy each other’s company. , which can be very difficult to achieve. How often do all four match? Not enough.

How a party of four works

Create a joint profile for you and your partner in the app. For parties of 4, you can set a radius and filter for couples with or without children. Then start swiping. Swipe right on the couple you want to connect with. When they swipe right on your couple’s profile, they’re connected to an in-app chat.

Related information…

Dutch expat groups and international clubs

Essentials: Kids, Pets, Family

https://expatinfoholland.nl/help-guides/arrival-settling/netherlands-expat-couples-party-of-4-app/ Party of 4 for Dutch couple

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