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Police Appoint Controversial Mosque Raiders To Fight Discrimination

Police have appointed a man previously used by the municipality to infiltrate mosques to help the police force tackle racism, discrimination and exclusion. The mosque administrators are stunned. Controle Alt Delete, an organization that fights ethnic profiling and police brutality, has ended talks with the police about the appointment. advertisement report.

It concerns Nazip Tuzani, who until recently served as director of the NTA, an investigative agency. Several municipalities hired his agents to send undercover agents to mosques to question participants about whether they were extremist.

Abdelsadek Maas, chairman of The Hague’s mosque umbrella organization SIOHR, is surprised that the police have appointed the former tax commissioner. Maas told the AD that the NTA conducted the investigation “in violation of the good faith standards applicable to this field.” “It has a very destructive effect on the social cohesion that the national police are trying to promote by appointing program managers,” he said in a letter to the police on behalf of 200 mosques across the country. Stated.

According to Maas, the NTA undermined trust within Dutch mosques through its infiltration operations. “None of the believers could rule out the possibility that the person praying next to them was an intruder. It sowed mistrust within the mosque, with dire consequences. “The fact that researchers infiltrated a mosque under the guise of being a member of the Muslim community is absolutely shocking,” he said. “The mosque administrators worked constructively with the municipality from the front door, but were monitored from the back door. It raises serious questions about Mr Tuzani’s ability to contribute to the

Police told AD they chose Touzani for his knowledge of the police force and his expertise in the areas of diversity and inclusion. “He has tremendous support from various networks and communities both inside and outside the organization,” said a spokesperson. And he has achieved “impressive results” over the last two years while working on diversity and inclusion programs within the Aust-Netherlandish Police. “For us, his integrity is not an issue, nor is his suitability for the role,” a police spokesperson said.

In the case of Controle Alt Delete, Mr. Tuzani’s appointment was the reason for suspending consultations with the police. “The appointment of a new program manager is a worrying development given his role at the IRS and the undercover investigation,” the group said. “It is not desirable to appoint the head of a controversial organization with much resistance from the Islamic community as program manager against racism and discrimination within the police force. I will cease all conversations with police officers that fall under his responsibility and control for as long as possible.”

The Hague’s DENK faction, Adeel Mahmoud, also opposed the appointment. “The police have completely missed the mark by appointing this person to be the head of the discrimination and racism program. For someone holding such an important position, there is a great distrust of the person holding that position.” We share the concerns of the Hague Islamic Community and the agency regarding the IRS investigation.This appointment shows that the police are not taking these concerns seriously.”

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/01/police-appoint-controversial-mosque-infiltrator-fight-discrimination Police Appoint Controversial Mosque Raiders To Fight Discrimination

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