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Police looking for balloonist who frightened horse

Photo: Imane82/Wikimedia Commons

Police are looking for a balloonist suspected of causing two horses to swoop down and seriously injuring a woman in a low-flying flight.

The incident occurred last summer near Oldenzaal when a hot air balloon flew over a pasture where many horses were grazing. The noise of the balloon burners used to hoist the balloons frightened the horses. They rushed and bolted a woman who spent four days in intensive care with a fractured skull.

His sense of smell and taste has not yet returned, a police spokesman told a local station. RTV Aust.

“The victim’s daughter could see the man in the basket very well, so it’s possible the balloon was flying low, and the man is committing a crime.

The man never came forward and police are asking him to speak.

In 2020, balloon rides €6,800 fine For igniting the balloon’s main burner and frightening three precious parrots to death. The noise of the explosion caused so much stress to animals worth tens of thousands of euros that they died.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/04/police-looking-for-balloonist-who-frightened-the-horses/ Police looking for balloonist who frightened horse

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