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Public transport dominates new mobility spending list

Photo: DutchNews.nl

about 4 billion euros 7.5 billion euros The Cabinet is allotted for building transport infrastructure for new large housing developments, allocated for trams, buses and trains, with one-third spent on cars and 10% on cycle paths. The Home Office confirmed.

The spending package announced in the September budget aims to ensure that new housing developments have adequate transport connections and do not increase congestion.

In total, 1.5 billion euros will be allocated to improving the railway station between Leiden and Dordrecht, and around 77,000 new housing units will be built in the next few years.

A further €1 billion was spent on expanding road capacity at junctions with existing traffic congestion spots and new residential areas, and €800 million was allocated to improve access, especially around Eindhoven.

Other projects on the list include improvements to the bicycle infrastructure, including the commuter network, and €780 million to expand Amsterdam’s metro network to include Schiphol Airport and the new train station in Groningen.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/public-transport-dominates-new-mobility-spending-list/ Public transport dominates new mobility spending list

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