
Record number of Dutch summer days

Another weather record was broken. De Bilt has already had 15 days of summer with temperatures above 25°C this month. According to Weeronline, June has never been this warm.

June usually has 5 summer days. Despite the record summer days earlier this month, the first official summer day on June 9 was never as late as this year.

Summer days are also increasing in the southeast of the Netherlands. “We’ve never seen summer-like heat so often in June at the Dutch weather station,” reports Weeronline.

The number of days with a maximum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius will probably break De Bilt’s record as well. On June 30th, the last day of the month, he had probably the 28th warm day. “Considering the forecast, it is quite possible that the 28th will continue to be warm,” the Bureau of Meteorology said. Some weather stations in the southeast recorded 30 warm days. Record number of Dutch summer days

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