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Red-light district changes put some British tourists off

Photo: Depositphotos.com

A survey by Opinium Amsterdam found that some British tourists are less likely to visit Amsterdam after hearing news of plans to relocate the red-light district to an erotic hub, while others are more likely to do so. You may visit a lot.

Surveyors last week asked 2,000 adults in the UK and 1,241 adults in the Netherlands that 11% of Britons were less likely to visit and one in five thought relocation was a bad idea. However, 15% of those surveyed said they were more likely to visit the Dutch capital.

Meanwhile, more than a third (35%) of Amsterdam residents questioned supported plans for an erotic center, while 27% opposed it.

The news that some tourists will be deterred could be welcomed by tourism experts who will launch a campaign later this month telling unwanted visitors to ‘stay away’.

Last year, Sofiane Mbaki, the city’s economic director, said: announced A series of measures to encourage polite tourists and locals over troublemakers, including a cannabis ban smoking Reduced hours of operation in public places, bars, clubs and brothels.

The board recently announced 3 candidate sites Aiming to move the 100 outlets of the brothel from the red-light district to a new erotic center, built at private expense on city land, European Medicines Agencymoved to Amsterdam after Brexit and won Italy.


Mayor Femke Halsema told Dutch News last year that the city was determined to reduce tourist fraud. “They come to Amsterdam, drink too much, get stoned, stay up all night without booking a hotel, humiliate sex workers and make a fuss,” she said. “For those who live in the inner city, they cannot live any longer.”

regardless of Concerns of sex workersThe mayor believes the center can enhance workers’ rights, rather than being “a place where only petty criminals, the most vulnerable women gather.”

Emily Dickinson, head of Opinium Amsterdam, said her company’s research suggests the plan may not have the desired effect. “The plan to move the red-light district out of Amsterdam’s city center rests on our belief that it will help reduce the impact of tourism on Amsterdam’s local population,” she said in a statement.

“However, looking at the numbers of tourists who would be more likely to go to Amsterdam if the red-light district moved, a slightly higher percentage (15%) said they would, and what the move would mean to Amsterdam residents. It raises the question of whether to change all.’

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/03/changes-for-red-light-district-put-off-some-british-tourists-but-inspire-others/ Red-light district changes put some British tourists off

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