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Researchers talk to 24 members of the banned Hell’s Angels Holland.study

Despite being banned since 2019, the Hells Angels Dutch bike club still has active members. A team of researchers from the Dutch Center for Crime and Law Enforcement Research (NSCR), VU University Amsterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam spoke with 24 members of the Hells Angels Netherlands, which was banned and disbanded in 2019. Their findings were announced Friday night by Omlop WNL on his NPO Radio 1 program “Het Misdaadbureau.”

In 2019, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to completely ban Hell’s Angels. According to the Supreme Court, Office of Public Prosecutors (OM), successfully proved They argued that their activities were against public order and that the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club Holland should be banned and dissolved.

Despite the ban and disbandment, the motorcycle club still has active members. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with members of 10 different regional sections who held various roles within the organization.

Research points to a variety of reasons why people attend Hells Angels. For example, those interviewed recognized Hell’s Angels as the ultimate milestone in the realm of motorcycle clubs. The Hells Angels are recognized as the “Champions League of Motorcycle Clubs”, said Sjokje van Düren, assistant professor of criminology at the Free University of Amsterdam.

She said there is a preparatory stage before becoming a full member, and that the club will “educate” them on the nature of Hell’s Angels. Van Duren also explained that having a criminal record or participating in criminal activity does not necessarily preclude your chances of becoming a member, as long as it does not negatively affect the organization. However, certain criminal records such as child abuse and violence against women are highly stigmatized within the club and can often lead to denial of membership.

The first attempt to ban Hells Angels Holland ended in 2009 when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the bike clubs. Since 2012, the Dutch government has stepped up its efforts against so-called ‘outlaw bike gangs’, and in 2019 gang banned And had to stop all activities in the country. NSCR researcher Teun van Reitenburg found that members reacted differently to the breakup. “Members are generally outraged and recognize that the measure is unfair, but often choose to comply, for example by leaving vests with club logos at home,” he said. “

Despite the ban and clubhouse closures, some members have adapted and are still continuing with various club-related activities, Van Reitenberg said. He also noted that some members have challenged the ban on club attire through legal channels.

The study also determined that harsh government measures and legal rulings against the club fueled dissatisfaction among Hells Angels members, which in turn strengthened their loyalty to the club.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/23/researchers-speak-24-members-banned-hells-angels-holland-study Researchers talk to 24 members of the banned Hell’s Angels Holland.study

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