Rutte told MPs there are limits to what we can do about the energy bill
On the second day of budget debates, Prime Minister Mark Rutte defended the government’s spending plans for 2023 and stressed the limits of what the government can do to help households hit by high energy prices. clarified.
Debate over the government’s spending plans has been dominated by energy prices, with opposition lawmakers urging the government to improve a €15 billion package of measures aimed at helping families cover fuel costs this winter. asked again.
the government Upper limit of gas and electricity charges It also increased spending on subsidies and supplements to help especially poor families. But opposition lawmakers say people living in “frugal rental properties” still face a significant cut in purchasing power because their homes are not energy efficient.
MPs also highlighted the situation facing households that have switched to heat pumps to provide warmth. They will be hit hard by rising electricity prices and will not benefit from gas restrictions.
Rutte promised to investigate all anomalies once the details of the plan were finalized. “We will do our best, but that doesn’t mean things will work out. There are no guarantees.”
Other policies
The prime minister said the government’s proposal to halt efforts to reduce nitrogen-related pollution to cut costs would only affect other important policies, such as plans to build new homes. rice field.
He also confirmed that the Cabinet was working on a specific set of measures to support small businesses hit hard by rising gas and electricity prices, describing the situation as “complex”.
VVD leader Sophie Hermans said: “I understand the complexity, but if it causes nothing to happen or is delayed, it would be unacceptable.”
Rutte turned his attention to Wednesday’s debate, but ministers stepped back. Rightmost Member of Parliament Thierry Baudet The alluded Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag was a spy.
He said the cabinet can deal with policy criticism and some criticism of individuals. “But this was overkill. My colleague felt very uncomfortable and said we were ‘leaving as a team.’
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