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Scheveningen International Fireworks Festival Canceled

On Wednesday 7 June, the organizers of the Scheveningen Fireworks Festival announced that it would not take place in 2023 for the following reasons: Costs are skyrocketing and it’s hard to find enough sponsors. The group had previously shared plans to give the festival a new look. Some of the fireworks will be replaced with new elements such as drone shows.

The additional costs required for the new look and other soaring production costs left the organization unable to keep its budget in balance. “We have done everything we can because we believe entrepreneurs on beaches and boulevards need large-scale public events,” said spokesperson Martin Welsdorfer. “It turns out that winning $500,000 in this day and age is just too complicated.”

The festival was canceled last year as well. Due to the limited capacity of the police.

Hopefully, The Scheveningen Fireworks Festival will take place again in August 2024.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2023/06/07/scheveningen-international-fireworks-festival-cancelled Scheveningen International Fireworks Festival Canceled

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