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Security increased for Princess Amalia and Mark Rutte after Underworld ‘threat’

A portrait published on Amalia’s 18th birthday. Photo: Frank Reuter RVD

Telegraaf said the heir to the throne, Princess Amalia, and Prime Minister Mark Rutte have been subject to increased security as they could be targeted by organized criminals.

Amalia delays moving into a student dormitory in Amsterdam, where she studies politics, psychology, law and economics, because an intercepted message included her name and that of the prime minister. the newspaper said on saturday.

The government information service Reiksfollrichtingsdienst did not comment on the security arrangements, but Justice Minister Dylan Yesirgoz said: told WNL op Zondag that there were general “very serious” threats from the underworld to politicians, celebrities and journalists;

Yesilgöz said it was working on plans for a tougher detention system, with tighter supervision for “exceptional categories” of criminals, such as drug cartel bosses.

Security guards at Vugight’s high-security prison are also Ridouan Taghi and Currently on trial accused of being a gang leader Mohammed Bouieri, who carried out six gangster assassinations in 18 months, and the killer of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh.

Taghi’s attorney, Thomas van der Horst, confirmed that the two exchanged letters and noted that correspondence between prisoners was not prohibited. Van der Horst denounced what he called a campaign by the media to “create suspicion”.

“I can count the number of letters over a year on two hands, but only four have come from my clients,” he said.

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https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/09/security-stepped-up-for-princess-amalia-and-mark-rutte-after-underworld-threats/ Security increased for Princess Amalia and Mark Rutte after Underworld ‘threat’

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