
Sexual activity increases over the age of 75.fall for everyone else

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According to the Dutch Statistics Office, sexual activity among people over 75 is on the rise. CBS.

The Health and Lifestyle Monitor reported that 27% of people over the age of 75 said they were active among their sheets in 2022, the year before, compared with 16% in 2014. From 16 until he is 25. In 2014, 74% said they had had sex in the past year, compared with 70% recently.

Sociologist Tanja Traag, a senior fellow at CBS, said that more sexually active older people were associated with more older people living with a partner, up from 46% to 51%. I’m here. “This group is more sexually active than those who live alone,” she said. Parole‘[Older people are also] Feel more comfortable in your own skin.

The study didn’t delve into how many times people had sexual activity in a year, but the lower numbers for the youngest adolescents were due to young adults waiting longer to have their first sex. She suggested that

Men aged 25 to 45 were most likely to report having been lucky in the previous year. Meanwhile, the number of people who say they are single in 2022 is increasing, from 25.5% in 2014 to 30% for him.

But a survey conducted by the RIVM Public Health Institute and the sexual health group Rutgers and Soa Aids Netherlands had darker numbers. One in eight participants said whether they had been sexually active recently. reluctance increased to 24% among those 75 and older.

During the pandemic, Rutgers short-lived campaign It reminds young people how to flirt and encourages them to spend a “summer of love.” That was interrupted by more coronavirus restrictions on human contact. Sexual activity increases over the age of 75.fall for everyone else

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