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Shipping company ‘sealed’ drug smuggling to Rotterdam

Photo: Douane.nl

The Netherlands and Belgium are seeking help from shipping companies to combat drug smuggling through the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.

The mayors of the two port cities, government representatives from the Netherlands and Belgium and five of the world’s largest shipping companies will meet on Friday to finalize a number of measures.

The shipping company has promised to put a digital seal on the container that will give a warning signal when broken. This should make it impossible to hide cocaine in containers when traveling between South America and Antwerp or Rotterdam.

The person receiving the container must also verify their identity using a fingerprint check. The companies also said they would provide detailed information about the transportation routes to authorities.

Belgian and Dutch police and customs are already working closely together, Justice Minister Dylan Jesirgoz said on a current affairs programme. Op1, Businesses need help because governments alone cannot address the problem.

Infrastructure Minister Mark Habers said shipping companies recognize their responsibility to fight drug smuggling. ‘Recruiting staff [by criminal gangs] Targeted as well,” he said.

Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden said shipping companies were struggling to fill vacancies because people were afraid that workers in vital functions could not be identified as criminal networks. He said that he was often the target of intimidation, even if he had no relationship with him.

police and customs officials ddiscovered About 47 tonnes of cocaine were seized at the port of Rotterdam last year, well below the 70 tonnes seized in 2021.

In contrast, Belgian authorities said seizures at the port of Antwerp reached a record high of 110 tonnes, compared with 90 tonnes in 2021.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2023/02/shipping-companies-set-seal-on-drug-smuggling-into-rotterdam/ Shipping company ‘sealed’ drug smuggling to Rotterdam

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