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Significant increase in parking fees in Scheveningen

Parking fees in Scheveningen are considerably higher from January. Motorists will be charged €6.50 per hour for street parking. The plan is to encourage tourists and visitors to park their cars in car parks and garages rather than in residential areas, which can be a nuisance.

But business owners and residents are angry that the increased rate will also apply to parking in Zwarte Pad and Noordelijke Havenhoofd, where parking is currently €4 per hour.

The rate hike is covered by a coalition agreement presented by D66, VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA and CDA in September. Street parking rates in The Hague city center and Scheveningen will be raised to €6.50 per hour, he said, encouraging tourists and visitors to park their cars in the car parks.

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2022/12/15/parking-costs-in-scheveningen-to-increase-considerably Significant increase in parking fees in Scheveningen

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