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The Hague has a five-party coalition that eliminates the winner of the election

Almost six months after local elections, the Hague finally has a new government, with the exception of Hart voor Den Haag, who won a landslide vote in March.

This coalition is a combination of five political parties: VVD, D66, GroenLinks, PvdA and CDA. Efforts to form a new government in The Hague were complicated by the fact that most of the major parties said they would not cooperate with Hart voor Den Haag, who won nine seats in the 46-seat council.

Its leader, Richard Demos, has been embroiled in a criminal investigation of fraud and corruption charges for nearly three years.

In total, 13 parties won seats in The Hague, but voter turnout was just 42%, down 6 percentage points from four years ago. The five-party coalition will unveil its plans for the next four years to the public on Friday.

The five-party coalition will unveil its plans for the next four years to the public on Friday.

but read more DutchNews.nl:

https://www.thehagueonline.com/news/2022/09/16/the-hague-has-a-five-party-coalition-cutting-out-the-election-winner The Hague has a five-party coalition that eliminates the winner of the election

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