
The International School Database: New study reveals the cost of international education in Europe in 2022

of International school database, helping local and foreign parents choose the best international school for their children. Their database allows parents to find, research and compare international schools around the world. Naturally, we collect and analyze a huge amount of information about international schools around the world.

Their latest research project uses this data to assess prices for international schools around the world and in Europe.

Key takeaways from the European study include:

  • Rotterdam – The Hague has lower international school costs than the average European city and is 11th cheapest out of 31 cities.
  • Switzerland is the country with the highest international school fees in Europe. The Swiss cities of Zurich, Lausanne Vaux and Geneva are the top three most expensive cities on the continent.
  • The cheapest international school costs include Spain and Eastern Europe. Of the 10 cheapest cities, 4 are in Spain and 3 are in Eastern Europe.
  • Central Europe dominates the top 10 most expensive cities. Riga, Latvia is the only city outside Central Europe in the top 10.
  • Other large European cities, which are considered expensive, are bucking this trend. For example, Rome, Berlin, and Madrid are all outside the top 10, at 13th, 17th, and 19th respectively on the list.
  • Copenhagen remains the cheapest city for international education for the third year in a row, despite its reputation as an expensive destination.
  • There is a wide range of average prices for international schools in Europe. He is the only city with an average annual price above $20,000. The remaining cities are divided into those with annual costs between $10,000 and $20,000 and those with less than $10,000.

To read the full article on international schools in Europe click here The International School Database: New study reveals the cost of international education in Europe in 2022

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