
University allowed to fire lecturer for spreading conspiracy theory

University allowed to fire lecturer for spreading conspiracy theory

The main building of the University of Groningen. Photo:

A court in Groningen has agreed that the University of Groningen may dismiss a lecturer who reportedly spread conspiracy theorists during class.

Tjeerd Andringa was suspended last year after his college thesis. Published by Ukrant An article about how he tried to convince his students of his ‘alternative truth’. This article led to the cancellation of his ‘Systems View of Life’ course.

UKrant spoke to 12 students about Andringa’s lessons and surveyed their feedback and correspondence about the course.

Students referred to his anti-Semitic ideas about “Jewish ruling status” and his belief in conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. Other students spoke of his belief that vaccines cause autism and the lack of room for other vaccines. opinion under discussion.

The university said it wanted to dismiss Andringa because his teaching methods did not meet academic standards. a spokesperson told RTV Noord. “Since we were unable to reach an agreement, we asked the court for a decision.”

After the verdict, Andringa said by mutual consent he would not comment. University allowed to fire lecturer for spreading conspiracy theory

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