
Want to get rid of fireworks in your neighborhood?

Are you a resident and want to organize a fireworks-free neighborhood for the New Year? Below are some tips for organizing this.

  1. Make clear rules with your neighbors about lighting fireworks or firecrackers near streets, squares, playgrounds, or parks. Decide with each other where fireworks are allowed in your neighborhood.
  2. Clearly mark the boundaries of areas where fireworks are prohibited. Are there residents who don’t want to participate? Remember this.
  3. Make sure all residents of the No Fireworks Zone agree to the rules. This is the key to a successful initiative.
  4. Contact your local police and let them know you agreed.
  5. You can mark your neighborhood as a no fireworks zone by putting up a special sign. Until December 23, 2023, you can request a No Fireworks Zone sign from gemeente. These signs can be picked up at your local city office after December 27, 2022. Hang signs along the boundaries of the No Fireworks Zone by December 31st.
  6. Make sure the signs are removed and the neighborhood is clean and tidy by January 3, 2023.

Police and police do not enforce regulations in these areas. Local governments rely on residents themselves to enforce the rules.

For more information click here Want to get rid of fireworks in your neighborhood?

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