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XR climate activists plan a summer full of protests against ING

Money Rebellion, part of Extinction Rebellion (XR), will protest ING over the summer. Climate activists have targeted the Dutch bank for some time because they believe it pours billions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry each year. Every Saturday through September 21st, Extinction Rebellion will operate in one or more ING chapters. According to XR, hundreds of activists have taken part in the so-called “Hot ING Summer Tour” so far.

These actions will be “unpleasant, but always peaceful.” An XR spokesperson said, “We have nothing against local ING employees.” “Their employers do everything they can to convince ING that ING is a sustainable company, which it is not. We want to let our employees, customers and passers-by know what we are doing, which contributes to the climate crisis.”

Last year, Extinction Rebellion also acted several times with the ING chapter. And in March, a major climate action was taken around the bank’s shareholders’ meeting. The meeting had to be canceled because of activists.

In response, ING said it understands “XR’s concerns about climate change.” “However, we believe that exiting oil and gas production immediately is neither the right nor the realistic choice.” ING further said it respects its right to demonstrate and take action. Nonetheless, “the safety and well-being of our employees and customers is our number one priority and responsibility.” In the event of an “unpleasant or unsafe situation,” the bank will ask activists to leave its premises. “If you don’t comply with the request, we may have the police intervene.”

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/25/xr-climate-activists-plan-summer-full-protests-ing XR climate activists plan a summer full of protests against ING

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