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Warmest September night ever recorded in the Netherlands

Another two warm weather records have been broken in the Netherlands. Last night was the warmest recorded September night. And at 11:00 a.m., temperatures climbed above 25 degrees in De Bilt, making today a summer’s day and breaking the record for most consecutive summer days in September, Weeronline reports.

So far, the Netherlands has had eight consecutive official summer days this month. The previous record was seven consecutive summer days from 4 to 10 September 2005. “An average September month counts only two summer days with temperatures above 25 degrees,” Weeronline said.

Temperatures are expected to climb to around 29 degrees in De Bilt today. There is a solid chance that today will also break the hottest September 11 record, which currently stands at 29.3 degrees from 2012. The day heat record has been broken in the Netherlands every day for the past six days.

The minimum temperature in Vlissingen overnight was 21.1 degrees Celsius, breaking the previous record of 20.9 degrees measured in Maastricht on 5 September 1949 and in Den Helder on 14 September 2016. A minimum temperature above 20 degrees is considered “tropical” in the Netherlands. Before this year, a tropical night in September has occurred only five times since temperature records started in 1901.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/09/11/warmest-september-night-ever-recorded-netherlands Warmest September night ever recorded in the Netherlands

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