Home Lifestyle Health Is It Better To Go To Turkey For Hair Transplant?

Is It Better To Go To Turkey For Hair Transplant?


Every year, people travel to Turkey for cosmetic surgery and procedures. For a variety of reasons, there has been a gold rush for people residing in Europe and the United States, with nearly 1 million people choosing Turkey as their destination for the long-desired cosmetic operations.

Consequently, people have started to ask some questions about the outcomes and how it can be possible to take a successful result for only $5000 or $6000. They want to know whether it is a good idea to go to Turkey for a cosmetic procedure, especially hair transplant.

Furthermore, people started to compare going to Turkey to get a hair transplant or another kind of cosmetic procedure with going another place to get the procedure or just follow the local opportunities.

To begin with, it is reasonable to have certain queries in mind, and even trepidation might be considered at some point if it is moderate. Nonetheless, even thorough investigation will not establish that your reservations are logical at some point because Turkey is the leader country in hair transplantation surgeries with both the success rates and affordable prices.

Of course, there are some reasons for this fame, but in general, health care staff and surgeons are so dedicated to their work and occupations that they consider these treatments to be their interests and passions. Dr. Yetkin Bayer explains monetary concerns, success rates, and, finally, the magnificent atmosphere can be demonstrated as reasons why it is preferable to travel to Turkey for hair transplantation surgeries, or at least procedures, rather than elsewhere.

a. Monetary concerns: Why is it better to go to turkey for a hair transplantation?

To begin with, as you may have heard, the Turkish Lira, the Turks’ currency, is constantly losing value in the global market, and there is a significant difference between the Dollar and the Euro. If you look at the charts today, you’ll notice that $1 is roughly equal to 14 Turkish Liras, while £1 is roughly 15 Turkish Liras. Thus, if you have $1000 or £1000, you will automatically have 14 or 15 times more purchasing power in Turkey, including healthcare.

As a result, the monetary issues that the country is struggling with are the first reason why an out comer should choose Turkey as a destination.

  1. Success rates: Why is it better to go to turkey for a hair transplantation?

Money is a sensible consideration, but if there is one aspect to which we should pay greater attention, it is our health. As the outcomes of a hair transplantation procedure is either permanent or very long lasting, we should know more about the place we are going to for getting a surgery and should have realistic answers to the question of “Is It Better to Go to Turkey for Hair Transplant?”.

Yes, traveling to Turkey for a hair transplant is preferable because the success rate of treatments performed in Turkish facilities is 98 percent. This makes sense because the treatment will affect your appearance permanently or for an extended period of time.

You can check Dr. Yetkin Bayer’s hair transplant results here.

2. The Atmosphere: Why is it better to go to turkey for a hair transplantation?

The atmosphere of the country you choose to visit is also a significant consideration that might affect the overall effectiveness of the treatment, particularly a hair transplant.

To begin, if you choose Turkey, you will most likely visit Istanbul, a magnificent city. There, you will be able to touch the history of all times because a mosque, a church, and a synagogue are all located on the same street. This will brighten your day!

On the other hand, the Turkish people adore tourists and visitors, so you can be certain that you will visit a wonderland embellished with all the sweetness and affection.