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Jumbo CEO still in custody for money laundering.Supermarket chain denies involvement

Jumbo CEO Frits van Eerd is still in custody.He and various people in the motocross world are suspected in a massive money laundering case, sources close to criminal investigation say Financiere Dougblood.

Jumbo did not confirm that Van Erde was arrested. Raid on his villa in Heeswijk-Dinther Tell only newspapers on Tuesday advertisement That CEO was “questioned”. The supermarket chain emphasized that the investigation was not about Jumbo.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) also did not confirm Van Eerd’s arrest. A spokesperson said all nine suspects arrested on Tuesday are still in custody and are only allowed access to lawyers.

On Tuesday, the police and the tax authority’s investigative arm FIOD raided various addresses in North Brabant, Groningen and Drenthe. According to AD, one of the addresses raided was Jumbo’s headquarters in Veghel.

Authorities have identified a 58-year-old man from Aa en Hunze as the prime suspect. According to AD, he is Theo E. – a big name in the Dutch motocross world. In the past, he has been his manager for motorcycle racing teams such as the Jumbo TvE MX team sponsored by Van Eerd.

OM believes the suspects laundered large amounts of money using real estate deals, car deals, unexplained cash deposits, and sponsorship deals for motocross sports. OM also has suspicions of his VAT fraud in car transactions.

Theo E. was a “cobweb” in this money-laundering organization, OM said. Other suspects, including Van Eerd, were allegedly involved to a greater or lesser extent.

https://nltimes.nl/2022/09/14/jumbo-ceo-still-custody-money-laundering-supermarket-chain-denies-involvement Jumbo CEO still in custody for money laundering.Supermarket chain denies involvement

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