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62-year-old woman randomly assaulted in sexual assault southeast of Amsterdam

On Tuesday June 6th, a 62-year-old woman was the victim of a sexual assault on the street of the AMC in Zuidoost, Amsterdam. In the process, the woman was violently groped and beaten by a young man, police said.

The woman was walking along the AMC road in Amsterdam’s Zuidoost district around 5pm when she passed a group of people having a picnic. Police said the 62-year-old woman was roughly grabbed by a young man as she approached a small bridge.

The woman then started yelling to get the attention of a group of people who were on a picnic. However, her efforts were in vain as no one came to her aid. However, the perpetrator stopped the “obscene act”, beat the woman hard and fled.

The woman puts the age of the attacker between 16 and 17 years old. It concerns a boy with short curly hair and dark skin. At the time of the attack, he was wearing rust-brown sports pants and a shiny black track jacket.

https://nltimes.nl/2023/06/17/woman-62-randomly-attacked-amsterdam-zuidoost-sexual-assault 62-year-old woman randomly assaulted in sexual assault southeast of Amsterdam

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