Home Lifestyle Health Necessary Grains for Kids

Necessary Grains for Kids


In this fast-tread world, twenty-four hours are seemingly not enough to do each of the daily tasks of the day. In that case, how will you develop the habit of healthy eating in your kids? Along with different diets and lifestyle choices dominating the social media sphere, parents often get perplexed about what to feed their kids.

Understandably, the struggle to provide nutrition for kids is quite substantial and real. Sometimes, even if you hop to conclusions on what to feed your kid, the kid is not ready to eat. The struggle goes on. In that case, this article is right for you. There are these healthy food grains that you can include in your kid’s diet; Wheat. Additionally, the ones that are popularly known as ‘super grains’.

Let’s take a look at various varieties of food grains that your child can intake.

  1. Barley

 A very usual breakfast grain cereal; barley is a package of numerous health benefits since it constitutes essential vitamins and minerals for the development in the early years of growth. While barley is a rich source of fiber, it also holds magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, manganese, and selenium. This eminent super grain will be respectively good for stabilizing sugar levels and maintaining energy levels in your kid.

  1. Whole Wheat

 Dietary Fiber inside wheat is essential for proper bowel functioning. Fiber is a carb that is relatively responsible to increase food movement throughout digestion and reducing the potential of constipation.

Vitamin B in wheat can provide your child’s body with thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. What they do is break down and produce energy from fats, and carbohydrates like starch and glucose.

Antioxidants in wheat will strengthen your kid’s body’s ability to fight infection and diseases.

  1. Finger Millet

 Finger Millet, is another super grain food loaded with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Most importantly it’s calcium-rich which is crucial for bone and had tissue development, dental health, and the overall skeletal growth of your child. Other nutrient constituents include iron and vitamin C which help sustain adequate haemoglobin levels in the blood.

  1. Foxtail Millet 

 Foxtail Millet is a grain with specific abundant nutrients that Target specific areas of a toddler’s body and boost health. Secondly, it is an excellent addition to your baby’s diet, since it has rich content of proteins and fiber aiding your baby’s growth.

Foxtail millet too adds up iron and calcium sources to the diet of your child, and both of these minerals are essential for strengthening your baby’s bones. Feeding your kid this amazing grain food in the form of porridge can also add to the taste of your child along with its health benefits.

  1. Oats and Oatmeal

 Oats are a source of β-glucan fiber which lowers cholesterol, recesses any potential heart risks, and helps support the immune system of your child. Oats also contain polyphenol compounds that have demonstrated antioxidant properties.

Apart from the age-old regular oatmeal for breakfast, oats can be used as a binder in meatloaf and burgers. Oats function well in baked foods such as oatmeal cookies, as a crunchy topping to crisps and crumbles. Oats are incredibly used with casserole dishes.

Are you still wondering whether to go with grains for your child? Don’t. After you are through this article, there is no doubt left. Time to get your kid used to them.