Home Education Tips For Students How To Manage First Year Studying Stress

Tips For Students How To Manage First Year Studying Stress


The first year of college is a handful. Students go through changes in almost every aspect. They move away from their family and friends, have a ton of new responsibilities, and start living more independently. While this is exciting and life-changing, it can also cause a lot of stress for first-year students.

Stress is not something to be ignored, since it can cause other problems to arise. That’s why students need to learn how to manage that first year of studying stress. This article breaks down the essential but powerful tips for studying stress-free.

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●       Find Friends

The sooner you start socializing, the better you’ll feel. Isolation and loneliness can take a tow on your mental health, and you don’t want to let that happen.

Instead, start making new college friends from orientation day. With friendly faces around you, you’ll:

  • feel like you’re not alone
  • have someone to talk to
  • spend your time surrounded by people who are just like you

And, since all freshmen are looking for new friends, you won’t find it hard to socialize.

●       Stay Organized

Sometimes, it’s best that you focus on what’s causing your stress, to manage it. For most students, it’s the fear of whether or not they’ll accomplish their academic goals.

To be a good student, you need to stay organized. The better you manage your time and studying, the less stress you’ll feel. So, try to:

  • create and stick to a study calendar
  • visit classes regularly
  • join student study groups
  • use all the available tools and resources

If it all becomes too much for you to handle, find help. You can hire a tutor, find the best essay helper online, or simply ask your professors for advice on how to do better. Just don’t let things pile up and jeopardize your mental health.

●       Find a Stress Relief

As a first-year student, your studies and classes are your priority. Still, you need to find the time to relax, take a break, and recharge your batteries.

Doing something you love is the best stress relief you can find. So, make sure to regularly do things such as:

  • exercising
  • listening to music
  • spending time outdoors
  • visiting new places
  • watching your favorite TV shows
  • cooking

Do whatever makes you feel great. Make it a part of your weekly routine and work hard on finding the time to make yourself feel better.

●       Keep in Touch With Friends and Family

Your old support system was based on your friends and family. Now that you’re seeing less of them, you might feel the additional stress.

So, don’t let your relationship with family and old friends go to waste. Nurture it:

  • invite them over for a day
  • have regular video calls
  • text them every day
  • visit them when you have the chance

Knowing that you still have your support system is going to put your mind at ease.

●       Talk to a Professional

Finally, if you tried out everything, but the stress is still present, it’s time to talk to a professional. That’s the best way for you to preserve your mental health.

You can:

  • talk to the student counselor
  • explore mental health resources and hotlines you could call
  • ask your parents to schedule an appointment with a psychologist

The important thing is to not ignore your problems, but face them. You’ll start feeling better after the first conversation with a professional.

Final Thoughts

The first year of college can be stressful, especially for students who don’t have the right stress management mechanisms. Luckily, this guide covers the basic strategies for managing your stress in a healthy, responsible manner.

Use our tips and apply them to have a stress-free first year of college.

Author’s Bio

Melony Hart is a psychologist and a blogger. She specializes in child and teen psychology and primarily writes for students and their parents. She’s passionate about helping young people preserve their mental health.