Home Business Tips on How to Make Your Business International

Tips on How to Make Your Business International


Going international in business requires you to put in place appropriate arrangements and undertake some activities that form the pretext of doing business across borders. Various functional areas require adjustment if you are to do business globally, failure to which your business might encounter operational challenges.

Research Suitable and Compatible Markets

The important step to consider in internationalising your business is to research in detail markets abroad. Different markets have varying tastes and preferences, and this is where you should focus on establishing whether your product has a chance in that market. Your product and business might have a good run in its resident country of operations, but this might not be the case in another market. You need to ensure that you look at the market dynamics of the place you intend to set up operations before making a business decision.

Leverage Franchising

Globalising your business will require you to have some form of presence in another country. For firms with consumer products, for example, to say you have an international presence, you should have your products in stores and outlets in various countries. One way of  making your business international is by getting into franchising agreements with local operators, whereby they pay your business initial royalties or fees, which allows them to distribute your products or services in their home country. Alternatively, they can entirely conduct business under your business name. This way, you get to have your products getting sold and distributed in another country with minimal exposure and footprint to your operations.

Market Internationally

In the business world, people will only know about your business if they have seen its products or heard or read about it. Absent this, most people will know nothing about it. A suitable way of going international is by marketing your products internationally, as this could provide a proper pretext for you  getting involved in foreign markets abroad. Once you start implementing global marketing strategies, you are effectively testing the perception of potential consumers. You will also get feedback from these perceptions, giving you the impetus to initiate operations in those markets. Suppose you have products in those markets through franchising or any other structure. In that case, marketing further makes people know about your product, and this publicity can accelerate the rate of internationalisation of your business.

Internationalise Your Payment Channels and Systems

Businesses engage in the sale of either products or services. There is not much need to set up extensive physical operations and networks in another country for those who engage in the sale of services. With the heightened  technological deployment in business operations  in this age, service businesses can operate across multiple jurisdictions without having offices in those areas. For businesses and firms that sell products, shipping can always get the delivery job done without necessarily having physical offices in a foreign country. Putting this information into consideration, a key strategy that businesses can leverage in their internationalisation efforts is to set up payment channels and systems that can accommodate clients abroad. Setting up payment systems and channels for international purposes puts you in the global picture – and can be a solid way to start, sustain, and extend operations internationally.

Use Company Structures that Make Business Internationalization Easy

In getting your business international, there are some technicalities and legalities that you might have to handle. Among them is the issue of business structure. If you want to make your business international, you should look at its present structural orientation. Some structures make internationalisation seamless, while some are very limiting. You might want to reorient and rework the current structure of your business to one that makes internationalisation as easy as possible. 

Avail Support for Multiple Languages

There is no uniformity in linguistics. People in different countries speak and communicate in varying languages. While English provides some form of a baseline in global communication, not every individual will use English. Other languages that you can avail support for include:

  • French
  • German
  • Mandarin
  • Italian

Just like setting up payment channels and systems for international compatibility, you can avail your business to cater to people’s linguistic and communication needs across different countries, speaking varying languages. Getting employees that can do this can come in handy and cost-mindful if their rates are in sync with rates for translation services as other translators get for their work. It is also best having these employees in-house to ensure on-demand support whenever their need arises. These efforts can help to develop that global image. This projects an international focus and concern and can help put up the foundations for your internationalisation path.


To sum this up, internationalising your business requires that you overhaul your processes and systems to assume a global-looking approach instead of focusing on your resident country of operations. Even if you are still operating local but with plans for internationalisation weeks, months, or years out – assuming this international-oriented posture keeps you on the right path.

Author’s Bio

Melony Hart is a researcher and writer. She writes on international business and commerce. She has been at various publishing agencies and online websites in her writing career thus far.