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Use these tips to come up with amazing ideas for your college essays


Writing an essay can be very difficult and it’s surely not a piece of cake. It’s not something anyone can do without any practice. It takes a lot of practice to write a perfect essay. A lot of students are looking for essay writer these days to write their essays for them. But, it’s not something students should do because they’re being dependant on someone else to write their essays. You should always write your essays, this way you’ll get a lot of practice before writing essays for your scholarships and admissions.

Deciding on a topic that will make your essay look outstanding is not easy. The topic of your essay is the backbone of your essay and it’s something you should not come up with in a hurry. You should take your time and research about it in some library or on the internet.

Here is how you can come up with amazing topics for your essays:

To write a well-written essay, you first need to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and comfortable with. If you’re not comfortable writing on that topic, then you should probably find something you’re comfortable about.

Keep it simple

Don’t overcomplicate it, just keep it simple. Choose something that’s not complex or technical because most readers won’t be able to relate to what you’ve written. What you can do is picture yourself in their shoes and then think of some topic. Something too complex will only confuse the writer because of which they won’t even read the whole thing.

Choose something you’re interested in

It’s always good to choose something of your interest as many people will have the same interest as you and can relate to it. Not everyone will be able to relate to your topic even if you keep changing your topics. It’s best to choose something you’re interested in. It can be anything related to a personal experience or something close to your heart with the memories still in your mind. Writing those memories down into words explaining your experience will help you through the writing stage of the essay and will help turn it into a brilliant piece of paper.

Writing about big celebrities, influencers are also a good idea. You can choose some that you like a lot and follow because you’ll know what to write about them as you’ve probably been following them for a lot of time. If not, you can research them and write them. But, it’s always best to choose someone you know a lot about.

Browse on the internet

Writing about a trendy topic is also a good idea. You can look for them on the internet. You’ll have countless topics to choose from and writing on a trendy topic is also good because of the hype it already has. But, make sure not to choose something commonly used, or ordinary.