Home Lifestyle What Do I Do If I’m Unhappy With My Psychic Reading?

What Do I Do If I’m Unhappy With My Psychic Reading?


It’s normal to feel a little anxious before your first psychic reading. You may not know what to expect, or you might be worried that you won’t like what the psychic has to say. But if after your reading you’re unhappy with what you heard don’t worry – there are few steps you can take to resolve the issue.

In this post we’ll outline some of them for you. So, read on for tips on how to deal with an unhappy psychic reading.

Don’t panic

Don’t panic, no matter how uncomfortable you feel about the reading your psychic has given you. Different readers focus on different areas, and sometimes their predictions will not always be what you want to hear – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re wrong.

If you have your heart set on something specific it’s important to remember that a psychic can only ever look at the future as it relates to the present moment of the life they are reading. So of course, if you want something specific and you don’t get it, your psychic may say that you won’t be able to get it because it will not happen in future see for you. But if it’s something that is possible in life, then there should still be a possibility of achieving it even if your psychic doesn’t see that happening for you also, you can find more info about this on juneauempire.

Discuss your concerns with your psychic

If you feel as though you don’t want to continue the reading, speak with the psychic about this. It’s possible they didn’t pick up on something in your energy which led to an incorrect prediction, so ask them about what you would like clarification on. If you’ve had a general reading and feel that their predictions were too vague or not specific enough then talk with the psychic about this as well.

If after chatting with the psychic you still feel unhappy with the reading, and you don’t think it’s something that can be resolved by clarifying a few things, then go ahead and end the reading.

Find a replacement psychic who is better able to give you what you want, or read about specific types of readings to gain more clarity on what you’re looking for if that’s the case.

 Seek a second opinion

If there are some specific areas of your reading that really upset you, seek out another psychic who may have a different perspective on what they see for you. This way you’ll be able to compare their readings and find which one reason rates most with you.

This is a good way of getting the best of both worlds, and if you had more than one psychic reading done this will also ensure that you get a second reading from each so, they can all be compared to each other.

 Consider your own interpretation

Another possibility is that there was something about the negative aspect of the prediction that you chose to put your own spin on when interpreting it. When we hear something negative about ourselves, even if it’s just a psychic prediction, we might assume it’s going to happen and start worrying about it. That in turn makes us more likely to create self-fulfilling prophecies by doing things which will actually make that negative prediction come true.

So, if you’re worried about what your psychic said and can’t get it out of your head it might be a good idea to write out all the negative things you think may happen as a result. Then take a good look at them and determine if you’re actually doing anything which might contribute to these things happening. If not, then it’s likely that the prediction won’t happen and you can just forget about it.

 Don’t be afraid to ask questions

When you see a psychic it’s good idea to come prepared with the specific questions you want answered so that they can focus on those. If there’s something you don’t understand about their prediction, ask them what it means in terms of the life you are living right now.

It may be difficult to know what to ask if you’re not used to having your future predicted, but there are many questions which can giving insight into what your next steps are in life. So, don’t be shy to ask for specific clarification.


If you’re unhappy with the reading, it’s good to step back and consider how valid your unhappiness is. A psychic can’t say everything that’s possible in the future, so don’t take it personally if they didn’t give you what you wanted or expected. And never forget that a psychic prediction is just one possible outcome of the future, so there are many other possibilities.