Home Lifestyle What Is The Difference Between CBD Oil and CBD Capsules? 

What Is The Difference Between CBD Oil and CBD Capsules? 


CBD oil and CBD capsules are two of the most popular CBD products available today. However, new users often face a dilemma when deciding which one of the two to pick. Is one better or more potent than the other is? What are the benefits of each?

The answer is to these questions relatively simple. The most important thing is to understand how CBD works and gets absorbed when using either form. Once you know the concept, you can make an informed decision on buying CBD online or locally.

Before that, it is important to understand that both CBD oil and capsules contain a CBD extract that is added into a high-quality carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. However, while some manufacturers fill the oily substance in airtight dropper bottles, others place it in softgel capsules.

Despite the two products sharing the same hemp extract, they have significant differences. This article will compare CBD oil and capsules and help you decide which is best suited for your needs.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is made by sourcing the compound Cannabidiol from the hemp or cannabis plants. Unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is non-psychoactive and does not get you high.

Once the pure compound is extracted, it is then mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil to increase its bioavailability and help the body absorb as much CBD as possible. The end product is an oily substance that’s added into a dropper bottle and taken by placing a few drops under your tongue.

The potency of CBD oil and ingredients contained vary from brand to brand. So, when finding the best CBD products for sale, you must read your product labeling to ensure you buy what you need.

What Are CBD Capsules?

CBD capsules also contain a Cannabidiol compound extracted from the hemp plant and infused in a high-quality carrier oil to increase bioavailability. It is then added into a soft gel or hard-shelled capsule that protects the oil until it reaches your digestive system.

CBD capsules’ potency and ingredients contained also differ significantly from brand to brand. You can find CBD isolate capsules, full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD capsules. You take the capsules with a quick swig of clean water.

Six Differences Between CBD Oil and CBD Capsules 

Please note that simply because you find numerous products in a CBD store does not mean they are all safe. The FDA does not regulate CBD as other medicines; hence, it’s crucial to research and buy products from a trustworthy company.

1.      Bioavailability

CBD oils bioavailability is by far greater than that of CBD capsules. Bioavailability is a term used to refer to how much CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream and brain after consuming a dose.

When you take CBD oil sublingually, you hold it under the tongue for a few minutes before swallowing. It allows most of your CBD to be absorbed rapidly via the mucus membranes, directly into the bloodstream.

Comparably, CBD capsules are designed for oral consumption. Meaning, they deliver their benefits by passing through the digestive tract, broken down and then passed to the liver. In the liver, CBD is metabolized before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Because CBD capsules take much longer before reaching the bloodstream and brain, their effects are delayed, and the body utilizes only a small percentage of the compound.

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2.      CBD Concentration

When comparing these two products, CBD oil continues to take the limelight as the most widespread way to consume the product. Perhaps that is because it provides users with a more flexible dosage.

Pills come in a well-measured, fixed dosage. However, the eyedropper in your CBD oil allows you to limit or increase the dosage with the number of drops consumed. Depending on your current symptoms, you can take a few drops or up to 20 drops for more potent effects.

3.     Consumption Methods

This is an obvious benefit of CBD tincture v/s capsules. Unlike capsules, CBD oils and tinctures come with an eyedropper that allows you to conveniently add CBD drops into your favorite salads, foods, and beverages.

Tinctures offer you numerous ways to incorporate CBD into your daily routine; for instance, you can add a few drops into your breakfast cereals or your evening fruit salad to promote better sleep.

4.      CBD Dosage

CBD capsules eliminate all the guesswork from the equation. The packaging indicates the dosage in each capsule, so you are sure how much CBD you are consuming. Unlike CBD oil, where you have to figure out and calculate the amount taken, capsules allow you to accurately and easily control your dosage.

5.      Discretion

People who consume CBD regularly throughout the day are better off going for the capsules. You can easily pop a capsule into your mouth in the middle of the day and take it down with water without attracting much attention. Unlike carrying a whole oil bottle, capsules are ideal for frequent travelers as they do not spill or leave a mess on clothes or surfaces.

6.      Taste


CBD pills are easier to consume as they perfectly disguise all the unpleasant and bitter tastes associated with CBD oils. Capsules are flavorless and odorless, making them ideal for anyone looking to avoid the subtle hints of hemp.

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CBD Oil and CBD Capsules, Which is Better?

CBD capsules have the advantage of being incredibly easy to take, providing users with an accurate dosage and no bitter aftertastes. Comparably, CBD oil gives users more value for their money thanks to the increased bioavailability and the freedom to adjust their dosage.

However, based on the information above, the choice you make entirely depends on your personal preference and the benefits you are looking for.