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Flow makes learning a language much easier


The term flow is fairly new, but the nuns who created Regina Koeri’s method were many years ago when people felt comfortable, distracted, and at the right level what they needed for real life. I knew it was best to learn when learning exactly.

Much has been said and written about stress. Therefore, stress has been found to be very helpful in some situations, such as when a tiger attacks you. However, as a human being, we generally prefer to avoid stressful situations, especially when it comes to learning. When you are under stress, your brain blocks new information and you cannot learn.

We like to strive for a state of flow. Professor Mihaly Csiksent Mihaly of Hungary came up with the word “flow”. This simply means immersing yourself in the activities that are taking place. When in a state of flow, the brain absorbs new information and everything you already know.

How to realize the learning flow

There are three conditions that must be met in order to realize the learning flow.

1. Must match your skills

If you want to achieve the flow, the level of difficulty you are learning must be just right. It should not be too difficult or too easy. For example, if you’re reading a text or watching a movie and can’t follow the basic story, it’s impossible to get into the flow. The same is true if you spend years studying too familiar lines of French verbs and German cases and then try to learn the language again. You need to challenge at the right level. That’s why one-on-one lessons are so important.

2. Need immediate feedback

Immediate feedback is essential. It prevents suspicion from creeping in and you don’t consider certain things to be meaningless. Therefore, it is very difficult to learn a language by yourself. At the very least, you need someone who understands and nods when you say something. Hearing that you are on the right track is very motivating and helps you move forward.

3. You can concentrate without distraction

You achieve a state of flow when you are not distracted and can fully concentrate.

Language learning … pretty scary!

In a good language course, teachers know better than anyone that students can achieve the best results, so you should try to help them get into the flow as soon as possible.

Many students feel a little nervous when starting the first day of training. There are thoughts such as “Can this be done?”, “I don’t have a language head!”, “Is the teacher too strict?” Run through their heads. This is completely understandable-speaking a foreign language can be very stressful! You can sweat just by thinking about talking in French or giving a presentation in English. Fortunately, a good language teacher can quickly relieve that tension at any time.

Some things Regina Coeli does to create and maintain flows:

  • They have put together a bespoke training course with clear goals that will allow you to learn effectively.
  • Language trainers give you immediate feedback, which increases your confidence when you are with them.
  • Their location allows you to fully concentrate on learning the language-you have peace and tranquility, a fixed daily rhythm with lessons and breaks, and little or no distractions. You will experience that.
  • You are completely catered by their friendly catering staff-hunger and thirst (stress!) Are not even in their vocabulary!

Flow makes learning a language much easier

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